Closed corner With a third bend on solidworks


So, I sketched a sheet metal protective cover on solidworks in order to have it developed for laser cutting. However, I can't close the corners between two 45° folds with an extra fold (Photo 1). I can achieve this with the "Closed Corner" function but the result is not the same (Photo 2).

If anyone has a solution, it would be welcome

Thank you for your help  

Photo 1:

Photo 1

Photo 2:

Photo 2



In your side folds, you can edit the sketch and change the stroke of the side by breaking either the verticality or horizontality and putting it parallel to the fold it needs to adjust.


You have to make your 2 side folds and then make an additional fold from one of the first 2 folds:

Attached is part (SW15).

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Thank you for your answers! My problem is solved