Filling a gap between two parts in an assembly

In a complex assembly, I would need two parts to come together perfectly so that in simulation they would then be seen as being in contact and therefore as a single part. And I can't get back into the original room easily because the shots aren't parallel. Eventually, I can overlap the pieces, but the mesh doesn't go through and it's not considered a single piece.

Thank you for your help.


To do this from the assembly, you just have to right-click on the part to edit it, then you click on the face to be extended and you sketch it by converting the entities, then you extrude to the face and you select the face where the part to be extended should stop.

Hoping I was understandable ^_^ enough 


After extending the face you can make a part of your assembly to facilitate the simulation as explained in my tutorial:

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Put a contact between a solidary type set in your study. It will "fill" the void!




For me the best answer is max59.

Indeed, as soon as you start to physically modify a part as proposed by cobra 427 (which I salute) you always end up paying for it in cash by errors in the execution plans or worse in the fab.

Solidworks has planned what max59 offers to dissociate the parts from the simulation. This is a very common case when there are games or when two pieces cannot interpenetrate each other in real life. This is even more true in an assembly, especially if you do dynamic simulation with optimization scenarios.

Kind regards



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Thank you zozo_mp for your support ;-)

If necessary:

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Thank you all for your answers. I've tried the  methods and it works.

I now have a small problem with frequency calculation, but I'll put that in another question.