How to Enable the Routing Library

Hi all 

I have a question, which may sound a bit childish, but here I am getting a SolidWorks 2016 version error message.

When clicking on the Routing File Location option, this error message appears. Do you have a solution to this problem.

"Unable to cast a COM object from SolidWorks.SlWorksClass".

Thank you for all your answers,

Yours sincerely.


To do routing you need to create your product library by specifying the routing points

See this tutorial among others

@+ ;-)




By selecting the Routing Library Manager, we should get a window like this:

Where we have the default path of the Routing library elements:

C:\ProgramData\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS 2016\design library\routing

To see to reinstall SW if this is not the case.

Thank you Alain,

I reinstalled it and the library came back.

Thank you soon.

Thank you GT22, 

But I didn't have the possibility to switch to routing, 

But it's resolved, I reinstalled. It's a library problem that I couldn't access.

Thank you for the tutorial.


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