How do I add the custom properties in the Properties Form Editor?


When I use the Properties Form Editor, I can't load my custom properties, the editor tells me that "The template file I am opening contains a reference to a Microsoft Excel file.However, Microsoft Office is not installed on this machine".

While I have Microsoft Office installed on my machine and on my colleagues' machines everything works correctly.

How could I fix this? 

Kind regards


Have you solved this problem? 

And if so, how please! I've been struggling for 4 days with this... I installed / uninstalled / etc ...  

Thanks in advance! 


Fixed issue by reinstalling the 64-bit office 365 package version 1809 (Monthly Channel)

Setup office 365 (x64) attached.

Kind regards.

OK, thank you for the answer! 

I installed Office 2013 in 64 bits.... Is it necessary to have Office 365????  

Which version of SolidWorks are you working on (2018, 2016, etc.)?

Kind regards.

I installed 2018 SP4 

Thank you for your help!!  :)

Knowing that I took advantage of a change of station to go from SW 2012 to Sw 2018.