I started a calculation on flow simulation after 400 it gave me inconsistent results of the course I clicked on stop but the calculation is not really stop how to force the stop please and thank you
I started a calculation on flow simulation after 400 it gave me inconsistent results of the course I clicked on stop but the calculation is not really stop how to force the stop please and thank you
well you have a clear and sharp walkthrough it's hard
but it works
you unplug your PC ;-)
@+ ;-)
crtl+alt+supp to open the "task manager" and "end task" on the application (or "stop the process" if no response).
If it still doesn't work, you still have the bucket of cold water on the PC turned on of course!! :D
But don't tell anyone that I was the one who told you to do it!! :)
Have a good end of the day
it's good it works thank you:) Good end of afternoon
Can you validate the person who gave you the solution???
Thank you in advance and see you soon ^_^