How do I block the functions in automatic?


Do you have a trick to automatically switch the blocking bar of the functions in the rooms.

Thank you in advance.

Hello, what do you call "Automatic"?
The blocking bar is activated in System Options > Options > General, once activated, as these are the system options, it remains activated until you uncheck the option.





No, the position of the blocking bar is a choice and cannot be determined automatically.

In fact, if there is a way, a macro available here:

However, there is a major problem when you want to use this function on several parts or just to use it quickly,  which is why there is a macro that allows you to apply this bar to all the functions of the part and another that removes it.  These macros are available by clicking on the following link:

Lock Functions :

Unlock Functions :

With these two macros, you can then add icons to your interface and use them quickly:  one macro to block functions and another to quickly unlock them when needed.





Thanks, but in any case I have to open the files, in my case about 100.

Are they all the pieces of an assembly or a file? We must be able to adapt the macro to do this en masse.

They are all in the same file.

Thank you for your help

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Do you know VBA programming?


You have to take inspiration from this macro (to move the lock bar) and test on a part:

And the macro attachment that works on all the files in a folder.



If you have mycadtools (mycadservices Axemble client), you can use the Integration utility which has this operation, see attached screenshot.

Have a nice day




I am also interested in this subject.

So I recorded a macro from a room to "block everything"; I then downloaded the trial version of toolsXperts to be able to use saveXpert and launch my macro on a list of parts.

SaveXpert does launch my macro on a part list from a folder, but I realized that the macro I saved doesn't work on all parts... Anyone know why??