You did not specify your geographical area and your mobility possibilities.
Nothing prevents you from applying for a job that requires an experienced person. You just have to aim to pass the first filter:
- no recruitment agency advertisements;
- no announcements from large companies;
- give priority to SMEs that come directly and, if possible, even travel to establish a first contact by giving the CV.
Obviously you have to have something to offer to compensate for the lack of experience...
One option, if you are in France, is the status of auto-entrepreneur (contact the local CCI for more information). You will do service on your own if the opportunity arises and this does not prevent you from doing temporary work alongside or between 2 "classic" service missions.
In temporary work, the contract is a fixed-term contract between you and the agency. Sometimes, temporary work allows people to be tested over a longer period than the simple conventional trial period.
In service, there are several types of contracts, but in general it is a form of permanent contract. In my case, I was on a traditional permanent contract and it was up to my employer to find me assignments or make me work on his premises. The service, for the end customer, allows them to have the flexibility of temporary work without the constraints.
For you, this translates mainly into visibility (or not) on your short/medium/long-term future, you have (or not) notice to change companies (/!\ you can only "break" a fixed-term contract for a permanent hire).
Being on a permanent contract makes it easier to find a place to live, to be better seen by your banker.
That was for the first question!
For the second it's simpler: unless you're looking for a design student working in a particular field, you have to be versatile (flexibility of mind), have general knowledge (it's better to know nothing about everything rather than know everything about nothing).
My point of view is certainly guided by my experience: subcontracting of studies (therefore only service), you have to be able (to image) to design a semi-trailer as well as a household robot!