How do I change the color of the quotes individually?

Hi all

Can I change the color of the dimensions individually on a solidworks 2015 drawing?

For example, putting some dimensions in red and leaving others in black...

If so, how please?

Thank you for your answers.

Hello There is a reproduce format (icon A with a brush) which allows you to quickly change color dimensions to another, but you need a model. otherwise it's  by the layers

Right-click on the dimension and select Edit Layer, then click on the Sheet Pile icon and create new format.

On the other hand, the layer does not transform an existing dimension so it is only there for the new dimensions and then we reproduce the format


With slaps, it's the best solution. Well for me =)


Edit: sorry CALQUES =)

lol a big slap? in the monitor it's true it relieves...

As said before, I have been working on the subject in 2014 and the format reproduction is the easiest. you can't change an already existing layer, and if you could it doesn't appear when you make a selection of several sides at the same time

All right. Thank you for your feedback. So it's not that simple...

If we have to reproduce a plan already dimensioned with about forty dimensions and with three different colors... It's better to drop the idea then.

Not to give up, reproduce a format and you click 40 times, the rest is done by itself.

Or the plan would have to already have predefined formats for the sides that could be changed. (I've never had this chance)