How to change origins in the MyCAD viewer

It's all in the question 

what are the original refs in the MyCAD viewer

how to model to have a clean preview when reading it in MyCAD


@+ ;-)

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for my part I practice like this and you


file convection problem , Y, Z



  • X Top View Length
  • Y view from top width
  • Z front view + Z elevation


@+ ;-)

I think the problem comes from the way we use the parts creation file

For my part a new part:

Vertical Y

x horizontal

z depth


and following the extrudes on the front, the top, etc., the viewer puts them according to his definition of the axes.

I think it's because of this that the parts are not in the right direction when displayed.


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yes I agree with you @ Gerald


but already if we speak the same language we understand each other better


  • So name your view (front view (front shot)) and tell me
  • the X
  • the Y
  • the W


@+ ;-) 

an image seen from the front under SW and from the front view under mycad

Me there are some to be an electronics technician maybe not good language 


In summary, it is from your design of parts that the front view is defined, but you may notice that depending on the assemblies, the trihedron is not always in the same direction

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for the assembly I want to understand

although on the final vision we must be able to coordinate the origin correctly


So you tell me depth in z I say elevation


since in my little head but I can be wrong


the X;Y is in top view


For me

  • X;Y is latitude, longitude and Z elevation


@+ ;-) 

On SW, basic,  it's

_ XY side

_ Left YZ

_ Top XZ


If you don't have that @gt22 it's because you had to modify your models!?

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@ benoit

I have that but on the other hand as soon as you put it in mycad op it's different

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So here's the real key question : why?


@ Benoit please explain if you can................ in MyCADplace it's not good


So what's the problem.....................; -(


@+ ;-)

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I asked the question about the band but I don't have any news despite the invitation to the file

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