How to classify your product and part files and how to reference them? Catia V5R20


I am starting to work with many volume parts (part) and assemblies (product) in my files. I'm not yet familiar enough with Catia V5R20 to know how I can reference my parts and assemblies. Do you have any role models?

Is it possible to generate a list of parts presented in an excel?

How should I order my files? Should I separate the products from the shares?

For the moment it's really in bulk, I've taken the (bad) habit of creating a folder corresponding to an assembly and putting the used parts in it. But sometimes I find myself using these parts for other assemblies and so via the backup management I create an independent copy because I don't know if I'm going to modify it. In short, I don't really see how to organize myself to create a logical database.

Do you have any ideas, advice, documentation about this?

Thank you in advance!

Up :)

Because unfortunately I don't have a PDM (Product Data Manager).


The organization does not depend on the software used but on the Clients, internal libraries, types of projects, habits, collaboration, etc. etc.. etc..

You should ask and reformulate your question in a + generalist way and not only with a CATIA filter, specify your job, the type of project, the work environment, number of employees, etc,...

As far as CATIA is related

Dixit : Is it possible to generate a list of parts in an Excel?

Yes tab Analysis / Bill of Materials / (Under Bill of Materials) you will be able to save (.txt; . Html; .xls)

Dixit : Should I separate the products from the shares ?

Without organizing the folders, saving the shares and filling in the location of these folders (CATIA search order) it is not advisable CATIA by default go and look for these links in the folder where the file you open is saved (after that, it's the search order) which tells it where to look.

Tools / Options

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As stated by @franck.ceroux, file ordering is not a Catia rule. You can function the way you want.

On the other hand, to manage all this properly, I would recommend that you only keep active the links to the catalogs and the "other folders" section. It is in the latter that you will be able to configure your "search order". Otherwise you never really know where Catia is going to get the files. Important point, as the name suggests, the search respects the order defined during the configuration (see the list of folders that you add at the bottom of the window that opens when you jam the "other folders").

For example, in my company we work as follows: 1 folder for standards, 1 common folder for everything specific to the project (without subfolders) and 1 folder for each designer in which he saves only the elements he is working on (before putting them back in the common folder once his work is finished). The "local" files keep the same name, so the search order is configured to open first what is in the dedicated folder before the common one (even if you open an unmodified product from the common folder). Someone working on another part will continue to see what's in the common space in a completely transparent way.

But, once again, it's up to you to define your need. If you work alone, you don't necessarily need a "local" folder. Or your client may require you to separate 3D and 2D files. The important thing is to define in Catia where things are stored.

Last point, to save time, you will see that you can export/import the search order to easily change projects. In the same way, it's up to you to see where you store them (project folder or dedicated to your search order)

Happy thinking

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No better than colleagues.

I would add, from experience:
- it is useless, or even counterproductive, to separate files according to their computer type (it is possible or necessary for x reason to model a part as an assembly. 
- Depending on how you operate, you must:
   + a repertoire of standard parts (such as screws);
   + a directory per deal or product
           For a case or a product, make subdirectories by main subsets

- Also work on the naming of the files: only the part number, the number and the designation (avoid designations that include the dimensions). Avoid using only the designation: this is rarely the right choice, since the designations are generally succinct and simplified.