How do I copy properties from one project to another in smartproperties?

In the smartproperties, I use an official file (CYLINDER) and a test file (CYLINDER ESSAI).

I want to update the CYLINDER file with data from the CYLINDER ESSAI file.

Is it possible to copy properties from one file to another?

If so, how?

Thank you in advance.



You have to use the same XML file, the easiest being to have one by default.


To copy, to the CYLINDER file, press "Save-As> File" in the SmartProperties settings

In the CYLINDER ESSAI file, press "File > Open".

To have a default file, it's in the "XML File Settings> tab", the best being to put the XML files on the network so that all colleagues use the same settings.

I only want to copy the "Calculations" group.

This option (to copy/paste a whole group) in Smartproperties does not exist to my knowledge, it is I think it is a good improvement to pass on to developers.

To do this:

from the Settings window, in a hat on the left, click on [?] then [About] and finally click on [Submit an enhancement request].

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To copy only the calculation folder, you can try to save it as, then modify the XML file to have only the calculation folder, and open it in the new file, but in my opinion it will erase the old properties!

So I don't think it's possible!

I think @  should be able to give you an answer to your question

The problem is that it is no longer apparent in the list of members so I can't give you its direct link

waiting for his response

@+ ;-))

(after a search in my notifications)

Here is his link on the website 

@+ ;-))

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If you have smartproperties, it means that you also have BatchProperties, which allows you to copy property values from one document to another.


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No existing solution!!