How do you create shock relationships?

Hi all 

I would like to know how to make room A not go through room B when I move it, so that they bump into each other, or to know if it is simply not possible. 

Thank you!


On the move 

There is an option

Collision detection that alerts via a beep when the part comes into contact with the other part or defined wall


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If I understand correctly, there is a rotating part and a fixed part.

To have a stop like in real life , you have to put a limit angular stress.

We must understand "limit" here as the limit between two values that will be between two angles. So, with your min and max travel known, you can do all the cutscene moves you want: as if you had real parts that stop when they come into contact.

  1.  To avoid the problems of contact on a point (which does not work well in dynamic kinematics, I advise you (from the experience of old hands) to make planes tangent to your cylindrical part and parallel to part B.
  2. Put an advanced constraint ==> then angle ==> then fill in the minimum angle and the maximum angle, ==> validate.

Thus, each time you move a part, it will stop at the point of contact with the second part, whether in position A or in position B.

The excellent solution proposed by @gt22 (in my opinion) is only valid for detecting unexpected and above all unwanted collisions that do not necessarily appear simply to the designer in complex assemblies (the famous unexpected ramponing);  when you do kinematics in particular. But if you move your parts multiple times to do kinematic tests, the solution proposed above with a "limit angle" constraint seems to me to be better suited.

Kind regards


Hello and thank you for your answers! 

I tried several times, but without success :/

I can't fill in an angle when the cylinder is selected in the constraints, and when it isn't, nothing changes when I validate the constraint.

I only know the submerged part of solidworks and I'm not really used to doing this kind of operation

Thank you for your help:)

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    To complete the info of gt22 and Zozo_mp, to put an angular stress on your cylindrical part you need an element that is radial (plane, edge). The basic plans of your cylindrical room should do the trick.

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