How to Create Detail Plans


I created a chassis with a multitude of parts that come to weld on it.  I created a chassis assembly with these loose parts. I have a drawing and now I want to print the overall plan and also print plan by plan of the spare parts to put together a file to put it into production.

How should I do it?

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards.

Eric B


So I don't see what the problem is, can you give us more details about what he's blocking you?

Have you made a MEP file with one sheet for your assembly and other sheets for each of your parts? Or do your parts each have a MEP file?

Do you have an example to show us and point out what is blocking your file?



Unless you have a simpler idea on the forum...

You will also have to make plans for each room.

And for a good, make an explode of your assembly with the refs. See sub-assemblies, if you have too many parts.






I prefer what @FUZ3D and @chrtof 59 said because SW does not know how to automatically make all the MEP files of all the parts or subassemblies from an assembly.

Fortunately he doesn't do it because when I see the shit he puts in the ratings, I have to take back all the dimensions, remove the useless ones and improve the positioning of the dimensions so that it is readable and especially so that the people of the fab don't throw stones at me.

Courage because I know of no other solution than to do as our little comrades have indicated.

Kind regards


Is it the printing of these files or their creation that is the problem?