How to create a chain (jewelry)

Hi all

For several days I have been trying to model this chain (image below):

I tried a lot of different techniques (straightening, twisting...) but nothing conclusive.

Can you help me find the best modeling approach?

Thank you for your help.



I think you have to create a link and then make a cicular repeat.

On the other hand, for the link, make a sweep following a trajectory (3D sketch trajectory).





You have to create a sketch that corresponds to the trajectory of the warp, then make a repetition following the curve



I think you should represent a link with a sweep whose section is a circle and the trajectory is a 3D sketch.

When you have your link, insert it into an assembly and repeat it following a path again which will be a 3D sketch.

Edit: I agree with my faster classmates! :)


FYI (but you may already know), it can be done like this "in real life" : from 3:40

It can give a better idea of the trajectory!

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For the link it's harder, I don't think a swept cylindrical section corresponds.

Personally I'll do an eliptical extrusion with another elepttych hole inside, then a removal of material for the overlap of the links, and I'll embellish all this with a few leaves to make it prettier

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You can start from a swept ellipse, and then you use the "bending"  function to twist the piece. For my part, it's rather satisfying.

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There is a function called "Flexion".


You can draw the shape of your link flat, and then use this feature by checking the "Twist" box.

When the twist is ok (usually set to 90°)

Then a circular rehearsal. (or in this case, a curve-driven repetition).



Edit: Oddly, I can't create a "flat" on the link before bending, to make it look more real. The repetition skips...


I hadn't seen the @Pierre station... Sorry

