How do I create an export macro?


I want to create a solidworks 2018 macro that would do the following:

Extract the configurations of a part into several parts containing a body and not the original functions regardless of the number of configurations by keeping the links to the original part and deleting the unused configurations.

Of course, I have to keep the original part as it is.

Thank you for your answers



Can you elaborate a little bit on what you mean by "in several parts containing a body and not the original functions ... keeping the links to the original part", I'm not sure I understand what you want.

Kind regards

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Good evening 

I have a room (called foo) with configurations (foo1, foo2, foo3...)

I would like to extract these configurations in parts which will be called foo1 foo2 foo3...

These future parts must have a single body or function in the construction tree that is related to the first part (foo).

I hope it's understandable 


Try the macro given by OBI WAN in the following discussion, it must be very close to what you are trying to do...

Kind regards

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