How do I automatically set the color of parts in an assembly?


When the client sends me .step files, the assembly is in gray and the design is difficult to distinguish.

I would therefore like to put a different color for each component in my assembly automatically, without doing piece by piece.

Thank you

Hello, in the "tools" / "evaluate" / "assembly visualization" tab.


It doesn't add an appearance to each piece, but it details room by room with colors and quantity.

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The TreeManager tool in myCADtools allows you to randomly assign a color to the components of an assembly

Unfortunately I don't have the TreeManager tool from myCADtools.

To see if your version has TreeHouse, type in Windows search "TreeHouse"

Yes, it's TreeHouse and not TreeManager

@Acombier: Unless it's something else...

Bart is right, but the "assembly visualization" tool also allows you to assign a different color and save it in a display state! Exactly what you're looking for: