How to move a welded mechanical element

I have just made two welded mechanical elements but I want to move one and center it to the other how to do it?


Mechanically welded elements are volume bodies. That is, you create them in a room.

There are 2 ways to move the mechanically welded elements:

1. Move the line where the profile is attached


2. Make a body move "Insert"->"Function"->"Move/Copy" and check the "body" box

[EDIT]: More information here:



Can you put us a screenshot or attach the file if possible???

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Same question as ac cobra 427, a little more details would help us to answer you better:)

Aurélien S is right with the 2nd proposal which is the simplest, but if you have Sw 2016 there is no "coprs" but copy and this one he doesn't check if you want to move the coprs but if you want to copy it there you will have to check it. Now I'm moving 200 in Z

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