How to unfold a 3d file

Good evening

I have a 3d file that I can't unfold.

I tried different methods without success.

I block





Impossible to work with your file, the function recognition can't reconstruct the creation tree. It's a shame because your piece doesn't present any particular difficulty and shouldn't be difficult to unfold. Try to distribute a usable file so that we can help you

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@Tictic, you have gone further than I have. I can't even open it personally!


impossible to open with NA version, which version are you on?



I'm in 2016 SP2.0 and it's opening up well but as I said above impossible to exploit.


Is there a reason why the crease is not a constant radius?

How to make it?


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It is a transition plide that can be made by stamping.

We have a few pieces in this genre to make from time to time and we use either stamping (clean but requires making the appropriate tools) or by crunching (succession of folds but the rendering is not the same)

if the problem comes from the folds with variable radius

Think about making this fold via straight lines and bend lines

as many right at the top and bottom of the fold 

then you will just have to select these folds if the auto selection does not work

See this link



I looked at your play, I found anomalies.j

I've tinkered with something, look and keep me informed.

may the force be with you.


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Good evening

I'm on SW 2015 SP4 premium.

The 3D file comes from the customer, it is an IGES and indeed there are errors, you often have to deal with it.

Folds with expandable radius are part of the design. I make the complete IGS available.

Thanks to OBI WAN for his answer with a file.
