How do I prevent certain parts/assy from opening automatically?


When an assembly is opened, the fact of opening this assembly leads to a hecatomb of opening of parts and unwanted assembly...


How to prevent all these files from being opened automatically?

Good evening, is it a Solid Works assembly or an import? Because for an import it's normal that sw creates all the parts!

It's an assembly created with Solidworks.

In particular, it is possible to open the assembly in light or even complex mode. This happens in the "open" window. Once the assembly is loaded, you can solve the assemblies or parts you want and therefore load them completely.

The previous designer seems to have created a rule to automatically open all these files and I have no idea how to abolish it.




Tools, option, system option, external reference, in the loaded menu the referenced documents pass to none


Link to the previously asked question in case: