How do you remove bend lines from a sheet metal on an unfolded part?

usually to make my DXFs I click right on my sheet metal and I do "unfolded", today I have my bend lines which are no longer dotted but in a continuous line.

So when I save my DXF, I can't select my complete face of my sheet metal.

How do you go back to dotted fold lines?


Normally we do save file as, then dxf and we uncheck the fold line and then it should be good.

In fact my problem is in the part file where my bend lines are no longer dotted when I unfold my sheet metal.

Can you put a screen print so that we understand better?

Here is the style of sheet metal I want to "unfold"


Here is my part when I right-click and then "unfold": you can see my folding lines which are continuous and not dotted


and when I then record it under DXF, I also have the problem where these folding lines are not in the same position as they should...



You have to right-click on unfolded state:

Then Edit the function:

And finally check merge the faces.


And from memory we can make this option valid on all sheet metal by modifying the file part.prtdot

it works great thank you