Comment enregistrer un fichier en step


J'ai un message d'erreur (ci-joint) quand je veux enregistrer en step.

Si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider.


va voir le fichier dont il parle, il doit être mal reconstruit (surface manquante par exemple)

Je n'ai pas moyen d'afficher le lien en entier sur la fenêtre.

Voici le message d'erreur : 

          SolidWorks Corporation - STEP Processor Error Log
                       STEP Post Processor

STEP File Name: Z:\1-Clients\18AT_PARKER\18AT040_etude_ergonomique\projet\3D-COPIE\ensembles\SIMULATIONS-suite-réunion-8-02-18\2-simulation-2opérateurs-T7GBR (trsf step).STEP

Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000112935
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000341261
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00462044
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000351095
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000361444
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.0019725
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.0042107
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000610044
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.00115454
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000268576
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000374768
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000654664
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00177984
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000204303
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000356785
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00150003
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000139312
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.00104998
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000405212
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000249262
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000122221
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000162812
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.0269196
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000204303
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000249261
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.00341745
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000446227
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000188695
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000767042
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000463172
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000229288
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000145543
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000972411
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000765033
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000152079
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000208285
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00156411
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000307095
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000658894
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000179523
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000179669
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.00017584
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000240367
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000145942
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00061893
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.0157706
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00153251
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00462044
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.0118228
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000512095
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000247296
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000226597
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00556073
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000101276
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000404411
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.000390534
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000256631
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00372841
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.0165827
Error: Surface de spline inconsistante
STEP: sortie n'a pas été terminée correctement.
Comment y remedier ?

as-tu importé des fichiers STEP de pièces à mettre dans ton assemblage ? 

il doit y avoir une vis,écrou ou autre pièce importée en step qui n'est pas bien construite.

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