How to work with .obj files with solidworks 2012

Thank you



You need to activate the Scan To 3D add-in, which is only available with the Premium version, as indicated in the SolidWorks product matrix:

Link to Help:

If you have the Premium version, just activate the add-in in Tools > Add-in > Scan TO 3D.

Then Menu > open > Choose all files (extensions) then your "obj" file


That's right

On the other hand, it's very sluggish on solidworks. Importing quickly makes the software unstable and eats up a lot of memory.

In addition, the conversion to solid is quite demicate.

If you have the possibility, I advise you to put it in stl and then import it in volume (volume in the option to open .stl) or surface which I find more practical.


Hi, I'm doing this to recover video game files ( cars / tractors ... )

I pass them in Meshlab to save them in DXF (3d of course) and reopen them in mesh on solidworks!! It's a bit long but the result is not bad!


Thank you.


  @David be3:

Can you detail how you go about extracting the 3D?

I tried for a personal project and the result is facetize.

Thank you.

The "Meshlab" software allows me to open the .obj, to clean them sometimes (often the lights are materialized by coins) and to save them in . DXF .

From there my DXF I reopen it on SW by taking the import as a 3D sketch option.

There is still a little cleaning to do and it's good!

After I agree with you, we find facetization (see photo in pj on my previous post)  in surface but in the case of @romain_37 that's the goal !!

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Off-topic question, but where do you find your .obj David?

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Under 2014 in import .obj with mesh the parts are done by themselves, otherwise I go through freecad to convert to step.



I find them in the install files of the games or on the internet: on the sites dedicated to games where you can find additional packs to download which contain the obj files, the sound files ....

I do a lot of agricultural equipment, I go to the farming simulator site from time to time!


Put.... So that's really not stupid!!


I'll tell you again David, I've found my new hobby ^^    ! )