How to extract all files in the PDM tree


I'm trying to find out if there will be a way to extract all the files from PDM with the folders included because for the moment I extract everything one by one and folder by folder and it takes a lot of time.

Thank you


You have to extract from the first folder level (right click on folder -> extract) if you want to extract all the files from the database



In PDM administration group or user settings
Be careful though, it will check all the references by default, the ideal is to have the standards for example  in a Workflow State where extraction is not allowed.


If it's from an assembly, you can do

  1. Ctrl   *  to preselect all
  2. check a reference.

All references will be selected for extraction


Have you made progress on your problem?




Unfortunately, I am not successful, my goal is to be able to drag or extract the folders to the root of PDM on my Computer locally or on the desktop, it should also be taken into account that PDM is on solidworks 2011 and that I use Solidworks Explorer to access it. If at this version of PDM, we can't extract everything at once, too bad I'll continue to extract one by one.

Thank you