How do I make the outline of a block appear on Autocad?

I have blocks that show up with the outline when I put a solid fill in color in a frame and sometimes the blocks show up without an outline. How do you always make them appear?



The color of the features in the outline should be compared in the definition of the blocks.

Between "layer", "on block", or explicitly assigned color.


Possibly send us a file with just these 2 blocks.

While waiting for the answer, I went back to my blocks by redoing the regions after the installation of the filling. This way, the outline appears well in the drawing.


This is most likely due to the drawing order of the features in the block.

First of all, when this fenomene occurs, you must always start by doing a complete regeneration of the drawing (command "RGT" - REGENTOUT). If this does not change the display, you must change the drawing order of the entities in the block:

1- Enter the block editor or open the source DWG file of the block

2- Select the entity to move to the foreground (the outline)

3- Right click > Drawing order> Forward

You also have other automatic options in the "Start" tab, "Edit" group , "Place in the foreground" button such as putting all hatching in the background or putting all annotations in the foreground.


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Thank you EricR, it is these functions that meet my request.