Here's my problem:
I would like to use automatic dimensioning via model objects and choose on which plan my dimension will appear.
In the example below, a dimension is marked for the drawing. When I use the automatic dimensioning tool via model objects:
- If I check "eliminate duplicates", I have only 1 dimension that appears on the view that was inserted first in the drawing.
- If I uncheck "eliminate duplicates", I have the dimension that appears on 2 views (so 2 shots). See example below.
I would like to be able to force a dimension to come out only on a front view for example.
In the long term I would like to be able to fly: these dimensions appear on the right plane, these on the front plane, etc...
Do you have a solution?
Thanks in advance
Matthias EMON
It doesn't seem possible to me since the selection of a dimension in the context of the model according to the doc:
but can I be wrong or maybe it's possible with another context?
The insert doc says 'When you insert dimensions in all views, they appear in the most appropriate view.', so maybe to do with particular view selections :
Otherwise it's not ideal but if you check 'eliminate duplicates', you could use Shift to move the dimension from one view to another?http://help.solidworks.com/2020/french/SolidWorks/sldworks/t_moving_copying_dimensions.htm#:~:text=To%20move%20or%20copy%20dimensions,to%20create%20multiple%20driving%20dimensions.
I'm not a big fan of the object sides of the model because if I'm not mistaken; If you double click on these sides and modify it, the part follows. In any case, that's the memory I have of an intern who did that and shot an asm.
Thank you for your answers. Unfortunately I haven't found the solution (if it exists). If I find it, I will communicate the result here.
Kind regards
Matthias EMON