How to make a cone in sheet metal

How to make a sheet metal cone with AUTOCAD?

Hello, is it autocad 2D or inventor?

See these videos  : 69i57j33l3.11870j0j4&client=ms-android-om-lge&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8



So it's not very complicated
I tend to do it like that

1. You draw your centerline using the "line" command
2. You draw the section of your tjrs cone with the "line" command
3. You create a region of your cone section with the "region" command
4. You make a "revolution" of your region (selection of the region, selection of the axis of revolution, angle of the revolution)

And then I don't know exactly if that's what you're looking for but your request is not very explicit

There is a video attached to illustrate my words
