How to do a SW Network installation on multiple PCs?


I would like to know how to install Solidworks Standard Network (floating license) on several PCs.

I have 3 licenses, installed on 3 PCs, but I would like to configure a 4th, but when I get to the end of the installation a message tells me that the number of activations has been exceeded.

On my license server I have 2 available (1 is in use).

How to do it? Could someone help me?

Thanks in advance!

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You must absolutely go through your license reseller

so that he can deactivate you and reactivate a license for another workstation 

and this of course if you are under maintenance ;-)

on the latest license versions

here are the latest developments of EADS




I believe that we can block the licenses for each position. See if they are not assigned or blocked to the positions...


Thank you for your answers, for my first question here.

I contacted my dealer, who did the same thing as me, but with more luck, for him it worked. Inexplicable, but resolute.

See you again

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Just to understand the before/after:

Before: were you already on a floating license or a fixed license?

Maybe that's just the time needed to update the Dassault servers. I sometimes have the problem with fixed license transfers, you shouldn't be quick between deactivation and reactivation.

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@stefbeno I was on a fixed license before. I take good note of the wait between the deactivation and reactivation time... Thank you!