How do I make a drop-down list for custom properties in drawings?


I just switched to the solidworks 2020 version and I lost my custom properties dropdowns in the drawings:

Previously I came to point to an Excel file with my lists inside, now I can point to the same file, it doesn't work anymore, I don't have any more lists...

Do you have a job to do for that?


Thank you


To start with , HELLO!

Currently you have  the standard parameters of solidwors just show it to it or its put your parameters away.

delete this file and then add yours.

may the force be with you.



I've tried several manipulations but I can't do it, I must not have the right method. I can leave my Excel file stored in the same place and point to this folder (where it is stored) in the "File Location Options" then "Personal Property Files"?

Then you have to do something else?