How do you make a knurling?


How do you make or represent a knurling on a cylindrical part?

I have my method but I find it quite laborious: I make a cross-section sketch and then I do my knurling with the "Wrap" tool.

The problem is that on my plan I have my knurling that appears everywhere even in my cuts.

Thank you




Maybe applying an image or texture would avoid this problem?


Yes I tried like that too but my textures don't show up on my piece (maybe a setting to change?).

Otherwise I saw in helical extrusion which looks good but it's quite long too I think.



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There's a video on the PTC site for textures, maybe it can help you:

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I have the same problem so as the knurling in machining is different depending on the supplier I just do a material removal with a circular circular sketch repetition in triangle 


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