How to Manage Blocks in Draft Sight



I've been working with Draft Sight for a short time and I'd like to intelligently manage the blocks I've created:

  • Be able to delete blocks
  • Group blocks by genre for easy searches
  • change the characteristics, e.g. scaling of existing blocks
  • Place groups of blocks, created in a drawing, for use in other projects. There is the ExportMPlan function, but you have to work block by block, which can be tedious.

Thank you

Does this video partly answer your question?
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There was a time when there were tablets (to be digitized) and not touch tablets. At that time, all libraries existed and could be accessed from these tablets with a click. Then came the little mouse (not the one for teeth) and the cell phones. The libraries had to be organized by directories and filenames (8 characters max) that wanted to express something. In fact, this method must be used. A block (a plan that is actually worked on as an element) can be local to the drawing or external saved in a DWG format. 2 methods:

 - If you don't have a lot of blocks (or symbols) or if it's a cartridge type, create a drawing like in Lucas' little demo with attributes... and records it. You create a second drawing (the real one) and you import it undecomposed. You can also in the same way create a close-up with all your visible blocks (in this case you have to break down your imported shot), you peck, copy, move,... what you need and when you're done, you eliminate what you don't need. This very practical method for small series of plans or in the "Photocopying" version requires at the end the use of the "purge" command in order to eliminate all the unused blocks and thus limit the size of the file on your machine.

- The "pro" method and standard use is to create a whole library of symbols (one symbol = one plan) and to import them as you need. More economical in space and mandatory when you want to work with a large library. This method just requires you to classify the elements by theme and think about the name of the file (and ideally a drawing with all the symbols and directory-type names to quickly find them).


- It is possible in Drafsight to customize the menus in order to manage the libraries, but in the free version, this is extremely limited so not very interesting.

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Hi @ bernard.spinoit


See this tutorial in English but just follow it


 Make a Block Containing Attributes in DraftSight


@+ ;-)

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Thank you for all these clarifications,

I see in any case that with the free version (but I don't have the other version and don't know how to compare) you have to go block by block.

So, be very careful when creating not to put too many successive layers in the blocks, for example, because then there is no way to delete them all from a plan and therefore take them out of the directory of this plane.

Another small problem, if I take a block from an outer folder to insert it into a plan, then I have to use this last version, hung on this plan and there is no link with the outside version, if I change this one!


But hey, if the program is not the most flexible, by mastering it a little better, it offers possibilities ... if you have a fairly precise view of what you want to achieve.


Thanks again



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