How to handle the thickness of lines cut into thick lines and other lines into thinner lines


I work on the formatting of the Mises en Plan. I notice that for the thickness of the lines, the cut lines can be thick but this also has an impact on the elevations. Which makes a big package when the elevation is at 1/10 scale. Do you have any solutions to put cut strokes in 0.30 (for example) and uncut strokes in 0.20? The ultimate wish would be to also set the hatching to 0.10.

Thank you for your help

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Option / Document Property / Line Font? 


Yes. I found this to be good but we can see that the cut lines are at the same thickness as the uncut lines. Is it due to the Edge Type "Visible Edges" and "Visible Edges (SpeedPak)"? What's the difference between the two?

Can you put a visual because for me the lines whether it is on a normal view or a cross-sectional view are always in the same category so not distinguishable :/

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Same problem, I looked and I didn't find it, so I use the edge filters, select the section and change the edges thicker.


by going through Draftsight it should work ;-)

See these links

I offer you this post in order to activate the display of lines according to different thicknesses in the "model" sheet with Draftisght.


By default, in the model (graphic area), regardless of the thickness of the line you choose via the slaps, all the paths will keep the same thickness.


Here is the result obtained with these settings:



To change this setting and see the different thicknesses, click on "Tools", "Options" and then choose the "Blank styles" tab :



After checking the "Show thickness in graphic area" box, you will get this result:



@+ ;-)


Thank you for your quick answers. I still find it quite crazy that a drawing software like solid works doesn't know more than that, how to manage line thicknesses. That you have to choose the edges one by one to personalize them.

Thank you again for your help always so prompt. Have a good week