How to manage a graph in a helical scan

I have a graph that has to manage a helical scan, when should we insert this graph or should we do it during the sweep

Thank you

What software are you on?

What do you call a graph?

Can you attach a screenshot?


The shape of the helical sweep is in the function

Attached is the graph

Ø1.23 of the propeller

Thank you


Try copying and pasting your sketch when the helical scan function asks you for the "Swp profile".

Or simply redo it if the copy paste doesn't work




From memory, a graph is placed in a relationship with the function evalgraph("nomgraphe",200)

200 is the length of the graph.


On the other hand, I have some doubts about the use with a helical sweep.

I would have to dig around.



Issue Resolved

Attached is a PDF

Thank you all
