How does its entire library of standards and profiles import for solid works 2015? Help thank you!

So I'm in the process of making different welded constructions but I can't manage to import all the library I have with all the standards and profiles. I only have a few profiles, I tried to change the location of the files in the option menu but it doesn't work, I can see the standards and then the type, but when I select the size, nothing appears!! rrrrrr

if anyone can help me. Thank you



It's just the level of file that is not good. You have to point a level higher at the level of the file location for it to be ok.

See my tutorial on the subject:


Hello Alain, thank you very much for your answer and the tutorial is simply great. 

I tried to do as you said but it still doesn't show me the size of the available profiles. I wonder if it doesn't come from the fact that they are not in Life part??


Sorry rather "lib feat part" while I looked when I extract the file the profiles are in "sldprt"!!