How to import parts with history


Our design plans to change safe/PDM and we will therefore have to transfer everything from one to the other, the problem is that with different tests I have done, it is that the history of the part is not, once imported it is "blank", I can't see its history, its old versions, which is problematic.

Is there a way to import/transfer/copy-paste my parts from one database to another?

To be precise, we are currently on the PDM 2014 Workgroup and we are going to move on to the Enterprise PDM.


Have you ever contacted your dealer to see if this is a known issue??? Maybe it's just a box to check somewhere.



To my knowledge, there is no direct gateway from one to the other since the tools are not based on the same software architecture.

So as ac cobra 427 says, contact the reseller of your solution because this case has certainly already arisen and they probably have a solution to offer.

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