How to 3D Print

"It's not a question but the possibility of following a webinar on 3D printers and the first part is tonight Thursday, February 20th


so I took the liberty of taking the means to better cover  this information


the mods don't blame me


See this link


@+ ;-)


You have to ask a question:


Have you noted in the agenda tonight's event concerning 3D printers?


You are forgiven everything, at least as far as I am concerned. :)



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I'm registered and I'll try to make a little report in my "3D printer" group if it's worth it
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A little look back at yesterday's workshop:

I do it here and not in the group related to the printer because no or little relationship in the end.


- The first 10-15 minutes were dedicated to the presentation of different 3D scanners:


- And the rest was more dedicated to photo and computer graphics enthusiasts, with the possibility to create a 3D from several photos, especially with a free Autodesk application:


The rest on Zbrush which is more advanced to optimize the textures:



That's it was very interesting but in the end it was not very related to the design.


I have another workshop on February 25th on this time on 3D printers, I will come back at that time



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