How to Intergrit Standard Mold Elements



Who could give me a relevant working method?


In SolidWorks, how to intersect standard elements (Meusburger, Hasco, Rabourdin,) in mold  frames by integrating operating sets at desired locations.

example (ejectors, adjust in the footprint, but play to be left at head level)


Thank you in advance for your answers.


Kind regards

Do you want to integrate your off-the-shelf components into an assembly (*.sldasm) where your molds are located or directly into your part (*.sldprt)?

I think that by working on a surface by limiting the surface of the mold with the surface of the part, and then by shifting this surface to the desired places, it is quite possible to have a usable rendering.


If it is only certain parts of the surface to be offset, you just have to draw a sketch and then limit the surface according to the sketch so that you can offset only that part.


Hello For example, you have to use the intelligent components of solidworks to automate the creation of the machining associated with the components. edit: @+



I know how to integrate components.


but I'm looking for a solution to design their environment, 

I'm going to dig into the track of intelligent components


thank you for your help and answer


Kind regards

See this tutorial in 3 parts 2 present for the moment the 3rd will be published as soon as possible


@+ ;-)
