How do I list the entire tree of a disk?

The idea is to list all the folders in a directory on a hard drive in order to print it on a large format.

Could you be specific in the procedure to follow.

Thank you

Kind regards



I know of a program that might be suitable:

It is freeware and has a lot of 'pluses' compared to some explorers (folder size, double panel, 'View file' function etc)

For the production of print listings:

>menu: Dossier | Create the folder list
-> a list will be created in a text file to be consulted, including the list of files classified by subfolders, with their sizes.

But there's a simpler way: do it yourself

In a Command Prompt window
> for on-screen viewing:[/#0000ff]
. Move to a drive or directory using DOS commands
. Type Command: DIR /S

XP will output a report categorized by folders and subfolders with the sizes
> for viewing and saving the report as a text file[/#0000ff]:
. type the command: DIR /S > C:\liste.txt

C:\liste.txt in this case being the file that will receive the

A very brief reminder of the main Back commands:
C: or D: etc -> change disks
CD\-> be placed at the root of the disk
CD nom_dossier -> is placed on a folder
CD.. -> is placed on the parent directory
DIR --> displays the files in the
DIR /P --> ditto, but page by page
help on the DIR syntax: type DIR /? /P

There you go




There is free software to create the list in Excel.


I've never tried.





There is also Rep-listing


The next one does something nicer with icons, but it would be a native output file.



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Good evening

I tried as @s.b. says and it's very practical.

We take a file and make a list of everything it contains.

After a little cleaning in Excel and it's good.

It works on DWGs, DXFs (and MP3s, AVIs and other lols) but never try with SW



You have to type this, after launching a command prompt window:


dir /A:D /b /s c:\monrep > monfichier.txt


/A:D allows you to list the folders


Replace c:\myrep with the path of the directory to list

The text file is created in the MyRep folder

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Hello, a little clarification about batches under dos: if your files have special characters, you must use a character table that includes them, otherwise, you may have surprises in your list.


Try in the first line of batch: "CHCP 1252"


Then, when you have the list in a text file, it is possible to use this data by selecting only a part of it.




CHCP 1252
set SurF=0
set Counter=0
echo -- Phase 1: Generating the file list --
dir *.dxf>liste_dxf.txt /B /S
echo -- *.tld.dxf list generated! --
echo -- Phase 2: Copying .dxf files to .dwg --
FOR /F "delims=. tokens=1" %%i IN (liste_dxf.txt) DO (
copy "%%i.dxf" "%%i.dwg" /Y >titi.txt
set /A SurF=! SurF!+1
echo -- Phase 2 completed: you have! On! Files--


Have a nice day

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