How do you model this kind of plan?

Hello everyone,

here I am with a plan to model in 3D, I don't see how to format this in view of the lower part.

Someone will have a solution to generate this via Solidworks.

Greetings Laurent W.


Presumably, it's a stamped part!
I think that there are certainly competent people on this forum who will be able to "untangle" you
on this problem.

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Good evening @laurent. W

No particular difficulty except that we don't have the classic views for the representation with probably detail views that don't have the same scale

It's a very small room! so stamped as indicated @contact_168 :wink:

Could you magnify the main view and also the side views. (as big as possible.

Kind regards



here is a first approach to the part in 3D
I'm in Version 2022

Kind regards
STANZSCHA 2023-12-02_12h54_01.rar (16.0 MB)

Note: I didn't necessarily take all the dimensions on the map but in general it's about that


Hello @laurent. W ,

Below is my proposal for a 3D model of your room, to be downloaded in SW 2023 version.

Standzschablone.SLDPRT (1007.4 KB)

On the right side of the 3D model, a surface extracted by shifting the outer shape of the volumetric part, and flattening it in red. We can clearly see the general appearance of the punching template (Standzschablone) proposed in your 2D plan.

Kind regards.

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Thank you for your help to both of you.

@Zozo_mp the plan is all I have, at the same time it dates from 1942 :sweat_smile:
The part below Stanzschablone is actually the flat view of the room and the two views on the right after stamping.

@m.blt Thank you that's exactly what I was looking for, what I mainly had a problem with was the cut following the boss of the lower part (lack of precision in the cut and respect the radius of 6 at the base.