How do I change the case of a property's value?

Hello everyone:) 

Question MyCADTools!

As part of the formatting of file names, plans, and applying properties in accordance with our client's format, I want to batch change the case of a value of a property to lowercase.

The property has been capitalized since it was automatically generated from the part name (selecting a string), but the name is capitalized. So I have a text in uppercase to change to lowercase.

I looked in INTEGRATION and BatchProperties and I didn't find anything to change the case like in the ProjectExplorer which allows you to transform text in this way, but to rename the filename and not a property (at least I didn't find: S).

Is it possible and how can I make this change in Batch?

Thank you:D



Obviously not possible with batchproperties or Integration.

Is the change on a single property, or on several different properties?

To be applied to how many files next? Part file or assembly or MEP or all 3?

A solution (not tested) would be to go through PilotAssembly  (build the table, modify the properties in the excel file and then update the component)

Otherwise solution 2 create a macro that from a part for example retrieves the property(s), changes the case and then overwrites it.

This macro could then be run in batch from integration. But for that you need the previous info.

Or more complicated, a macro that would do the job in a directory and its dependencies, but that's more complicated.

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Indeed it is not possible at the moment but planned in the next version scheduled for July:




Sbadenis, thank you for this answer. I tried with PIlotAssembly (which I hadn't used yet) on a small assembly to start with and yes it works! It's heavier than the BatchProperties (I messed up the assembly on the first try ^^') but it's very powerful, second try nickel :D

All you have to do is apply to the complete :) 

Prossignol, thank you, good news, I can't wait to see it:)

Have a nice day!
