How to Obtain the Quadratic Moment of a Section According to X and Y of a Non-Symmetric Profile


I can't get the quadratic moments Ix and Iy of my section without it deviating because of my asymmetrical profile (see attached photo).

Thank you for your help



Hello @Davidelmia 

What version of SW do you have?

I find it curious that the mass and volume are not indicated.
It's a bit like the material is not defined!

Kind regards

PS I spent very very long hours to redo your super complicated  piece ;-)  ;-) ;-)

Here is the result

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Hello @Davidelmia,

The section has a center of symmetry, it is easier to interpret the results if we place it at the origin of the sketch.
The quadratic moments according to Xg and Yg of the SolidWorks general coordinate system are the Lxx and Lyy terms of the area "Moment of inertia of the area, at the center of gravity: ( millimeters ^ 4 )", i.e. 71343 mm4 and 3989 mm4. The term Lxy is the product of inertia, and Lzz is the quadratic moment with respect to the center of gravity, according to Z, useful for torsion.

The values Mx and My are the principal quadratic moments in the principal base, inclined by -83.14 degrees (or 96.86 degrees) from the general base. Zero product of inertia in this base.

What do you mean by "without it deviating?"

M. Blt


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Pan on the beak!  (ouches)

I didn't read the request  """the quadratic moments Ix and Iy of my section""

Sorry!  I have a quadratic neuron that must have burned at the time of reading but I still have a few ;-)

Kind regards