How to fold a piece in reverse with the unfold?





     I would like to be able to fold it up from an unfolded sheet metal part (made via the convert to sheet metal function) to be able to fold it up to reverse the folds.


Thanks in advance


To make a symmetry? 

If it is for the whole room, there is the symmetry function


If I understand correctly, the goal is to use the unfolded of a folded sheet metal, to fold the same angles but in the other direction?


If so, why not start directly from the unfolded and create 2 different configurations?


Because starting from an unfolded, I'm not sure it's possible.



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He tells me that faces are not valid for a sheet metal symmetry. And if I create a plan, I get a message stating that I have to select a sheet metal face.

The goal would be to retrieve the unfolded and from that or a new file indicate the folding trioats to create the new reverse folds.


Yes, but I don't see how to select the folding strait from the unfolded one to fold them in the opposite direction.



If the folds exist, why not reverse the direction of them?

Is this the follow-up to this request?


How is the part constructed? 3D Volume Converted to Sheet Metal, "Folded Base Sheet Metal", "Insert Folds",...

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After all, it all depends on the purpose of this play.


If it's only for one piece then yes, just change the direction of the folds.


If it is for a part that can be configured in the direction of folds, it is wiser to find a solution to change direction quickly.



because the piece was made in volume and then in sheet metal conversion. So I can't reverse the direction.

I just did the test on a sheet metal conversion and I don't have a message (SW2013 SP4.0).


Is there the same phenomenon on a simple bent square?

Select a flat face (or a plane

then insertion/balanced part

 - > he will create a new symmetrical part


And when symmetry by trying to check "geometry repetition"?



Symmetry in sheet metal can be a problem depending on the version of SW you have (improved since 2013 if I remember correctly)


Otherwise, a solution can be to:

1- unfold the piece

2-Save unfolded in DWG

3- Open the DWG

4- Create a sheet metal in relation to the recovered sketch

5- Use the "sketched fold" function at the place of the fold lines




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To complete me I will do

Symmetry of parts via an offset axis of the part while keeping the refs and containers of the part

the part is symmetrical and saves in part and unfolds

it's 2 pieces of config # so 2 ref # one right / one left

@+ ;-)


If the goal is to have a fully symmetrical part, do not use the symmetry function but insertion, symmetrical component, then it will be enough to transform the component back into sheet metal.

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Hello, nothing + easy, you edit your unfolded state, and you select the bottom face as the reference face.


And that's it!




 @b.millard => it doesn't reverse the folds, it only changes the annotation on the bend sketches (top instead of bottom for example), on the other hand physically it has no influence on the geometry of the part.

For me, we need to create a symmetry function.

For a sheet metal the plane of symmetry must be one face of your sheet metal.

However, be careful in the settings not to merge the results.

Once this causes the body to be removed from the base part.


If you need to make a configuration of your part, put your symmetry and your body removal function in a family of parts and control their presence or non-presence.

I think it has to be playable.



Thank you for your answers. The symmetrical part function was well suited to what I was looking for but didn't want to work.