How can I simulate with flow simulation the radiation heating of one solid by another?


As requested in the title, I would like to simulate the heating of one solid by another by means of radiation as an attachment. 

the two red and black squares are made of aluminum and are in galvanized steel boxes The top box rests on two plates, also made of galvanized steel. The red room heats up to 400°C for 1 hour and I would like to see the temperature of the black square after 1 hour.

Could you help me?

Thank you very much! 





Hello again,

In fact, I'm looking for what input data to put in. 

For my red room at 400°C I put :

  1. Heat source Volume Temperature 400°C
  2. Radiant surface with an emissivity of 0.8
  3. source of diffusive radiation

For the rest, the boxes and my black piece I just applied the materials and said that they were absorbent surfaces.

Is it good?


Thank you for your answer.
