I would like to change the background of a macro drawing (new background plan template) but to do so I need to know what format my on-screen drawing is in.
(A0 or A1 or A2 or A3 or A4) this property is saved in my model under the name "DRAWING-CAD_SHEESIZE".
How do I retrieve this variable in a macro in order to then test its value to load the new basemap of the same size?
'Sheet info retrieval Dim ps As PageSetup Set ps = swDraw.PageSetup Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet vSheetProps = swSheet.GetProperties size = swSheet.GetSize(Width, Height)
Then I assign the format of the plane in a variable according to the dimensions retrieved.
Go to the API help, you'll find marbles by searching for "getsize"...