How do I reset DraftSight to default?



I wanted to know how to extrude a rectangle with DraftSight.


On the Internet, I found a video that shows how to do it:

it's by typing "extrusion" in the dialog box

then we give the extrusion height.


However, when I rotate around my figure, it stays in 2D.


I think this is due to a mishandling in the software options.


Would anyone know how to reset the software settings to default?


thank you in advance





            try , tools, option ,profiles, tab right reset


Thank you for the answer!

On the other hand it doesn't work

The reset command does not work for all changes made.

I don't know why

I created a profile in addition to the default one

On the profile created I changed the size and color of the reticle

When I did "reset" there is just the size of the crosshair which has returned to normal


a bug in the software may be

the software version I have is V1R4


It seems to me that "DraftSight" is a 2D software, so it seems normal that you can't do a 3D extrusion of a rectangle.

Or I'm missing something important!

Kind regards




yes indeed Draftsight is a 2D software


but in this video above:


the person demonstrates how to do an extrusion with Draftsight


and it intrigued me


Kind regards

Ok, we can indeed say that there are some notions of 3D when watching the video, but hey it's really very limited. We don't get very far!

By redoing exactly what the person is doing in the video, I have a volume generated.




For me in V1R4 it doesn't work either!




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I did the test with the V1R3 and it works on the other hand with the V1R4 it doesn't work anymore!




 otherwise you can uninstall and reinstall draftsight 



so it may be an error in the update to switch to R4.


because the command exists and in the help of the software it talks about it.


Hoping they will put it back in the next update.


I find Draftsight not bad for an Autocad clone (plus it's free)


Hello LOLO LA,


I tried to uninstall and reinstall the software but the command still doesn't work


PS: before reinstalling I was advised to delete the folder and clean the registry with CCleaner