How to fix recurring graphics card problems?



I'm working on an HP Z420 + 2 HP LP2275w screens and I have recurring problems with my graphics cards. They  give up every six months...
I have already changed my PC and added an inverter, Unfortunately I am used to it. The same symptoms reappear inexorably:

=> Solidworks Bugs

=> Poor resolution on the screen of drawings

=> Very bad score in the test 

Has this problem ever happened to anyone? , is it a virus, a screen problem???



And what do you have as a graphics card?

Is there a lack of cooling?

What do you do with your PC, among other things?

Mine is casi alumer h 20 days and no bleme and by screen too




No, a virus can't destroy your graphics cards. (well not directly)

Are your drivers up to date? Try to use the latest ones (not just the latest ones certified for Solidworks)

On the other hand, it may be bad luck (bad series of CGs).
Of which model(s) by the way?

On the other hand, if your power supply is defective or the motherboard has swollen capacitors, it can explain the problems :/



You can give the complete characteristics of your PC 

proc, card, ram and type of ram, hard drive etc......

you render 24 hours a day ;-)

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Hello and thank you for your answers,

my graphics card is an Nvidia quatro 2000

But before I already passed 2 FX3800 cards + another cards (??)  on my old PC (Z400) 

My current configuration is:

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional operating    system
Version    6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Additional     Information Not Available
Publisher    Microsoft Corporation
GWDI-PC01 Computer    
Manufacturer    Hewlett-Packard
HP    Z420 Workstation
x64-based PC type    
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1603 Processor    0 @ 2.80GHz, 2800 MHz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logic Processor(s)
Hewlett-Packard J61 BIOS/Date    Version v03.06, 03/27/2013
SMBIOS    version 2.7
Windows    directory C:\Windows
System    directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot    Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Regional    option France
Hardware    Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
User    GWDI-PC01\GWDI
Time    zones Paris, Madrid (Daylight Saving Time)
Installed    physical memory (RAM) 12.0 GB
Total    physical memory 11.9 GB
Available    physical memory 7.99 GB
Total    virtual memory 35.9 GB
Available virtual    memory 31.9 GB
Paging    file space 24.0 GB
C:\pagefile.sys paging    file

On the other hand, I use my PC about 10h00 a day almost exclusively with SW + office 2013 pack + internet search.

My drivers are up to date, I don't do any rendering work.

Mayday, Mayday...



Do you have a surge protector plug ? For 10€ or less, it would be worth the cost to test:


Hello and thank you for your reply,


I don't have a surge protector socket , but I have a good inverter.

Unresolved issue