How do I fix the problem of "Equation syntax is not correct" in Equations with Solidworks?

Hello everyone,

I need help to advance in an Sw tutorial requiring the Equations function. Indeed, when I click in the Equivalent to of equation 1 box after filling in the two previous fields, I always get the message: "The syntax of the equation is not correct" and it's the same in the Ordinate view, Equation view and Dimension view tabs .

Nb: see attached screenshot.

Thank you in advance.



I have the same problem since installing the 2020 version, have you found a solution?

Personally, I had to delete all the equations and recreate them using the bound value option.

Hello, I'm not on SW2020 but normally you should get this by activating the 1st button at the top which classifies the equations by priority level.

If you could make us a screenshot again it would be great.

here is my SW2019 example:

EDIT: Be careful your angles are in Radian and not in degrees if it's not wanted but nothing to do with your problem.



I thought it could come from space before the = but under SW2019 it is automatically supreme (unless it doesn't work under 2020)

On this one, I dry.

Here's the solution