How do you get a flow plug out easily on SW?


I work in carpentry, and I model furniture boxes or stairs, Once modeled, I would like SolidWorks to extract a flow sheet (preferably in xls) in order to make my layout. Is this possible?

Thank you for your help.


In principle, we use a complementary software to do this because it memorizes and reuses the scraps and can play on several simultaneous Fab bets to do a maximum optimization.

Our colleague @ac cobra 427 will be able to give you Add On references, to solve your problem. From memory the software is fed with info by SW

Kind regards

Hello, @clement.bordon, @Zozo_mp .

This Topic seems similar to me if it helps. 


With the standard SW functions, it is necessary to model in welded constructions.
After creating the visualization cube for each group of bodies, you can then retrieve the dimensions in a table that can be exported in xls.


Thank you for your answers. ❤️