How do I remove automatic annotation update in a welded part drawing?


I have one part, a frame created in welded construction - 35 bodies (SolidWorks 2020).

I created a drawing associated with this piece with different folios (1st folio --> Nomenclature / 2nd folio --> Welding / 3rd folio --> body n°1 / 4th folio --> body n°2 / ...).

The problem I am having is this:

Each time you move from one folio to another, SLW updates the annotations;

It opens 'update annotations' in the PropertyManager and displays dozens of very light grey dimensions on my drawing (see attachment).

--> Every time I change my folio, I have to wait for it to load all the annotations, and then I have to close the PropertyManager so that it clears all the annotations.

I would like to know if there is an option to prevent SLW from displaying annotations?


Thank you in advance for your help.

