How to use Contours in a Drawing



I'm in the middle of drawing and I can't use any edges, drillings, or anything else to create what I need (drilling table, cuts...)


Thank you for helping me because I've been looking for hours



Wouldn't you have activated a filter in the selection filter toolbar display? Click on the toolbar and click on disable all filters (1st icon)

No filters.

I keep trying but I can't find it.

Just to make a sketch I can't hang on to my views anywhere

your drawing comes from a 3D that you created on SW

it is a solid 

a surface

an import

Did you put the green light on your part


I tried with an import, a solid (3D creation) 

Whatever it is, I don't hang on to anything 

I don't know if it helps but when I select a sketch line or a section for example, the message in the tree is in red 


Have you looked at  the tool=>option=>document property=> image quality=>Wireframe image resolution: increase the cursor

otherwise I switch my view to wireframe (in display style) to place my sides and once finished I go back to the image quality that suits me well

may the force be with you.


what do you have as a PC 


video card


Which SOLIDWORKS version

post your file if possible

It's possible that if your graphics card is not compatible that it doesn't work



can you put us a phony part that presents the problem so that we can see if it comes from the part or the parameters of the MEP???

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I'm on SLW 2016

and my problem is really on the drawings 


Aren't you on your Background Plan instead of Sheet, just in case?

For me, I have no problem with MeP the proposed model and rating or cutting.

I don't think so


I would just like to constrain my sketch (which will be my section) in relation to a view of the MEP

I can't constrain myself in relation to the center of the holes 


That's normal, it doesn't work... We have to create a point in the middle of the Ø. You have to do Tool==>sketch entities then point or in the sketch tab select point then place it in the middle of the Ø then you can constrain...

I had already tried to place a point but it's the same thing, I can't constrain it in relation to the Ø

No possible constraints


You have to click on the point then the sketch line then constrain them there it will work... I do this regularly for multi-level parts cuts and we also have 2016

I had forgotten you have to remove the Ø axis where you put the focus then manually constrain and put back the Ø axis..