How do I use the csv file-by-file command in mycadtools utilities?

Impossible to find complete and accurate documentation.


After a little google search I found this:

Then by searching for csv in the search bar:

It's in English because I work in England but there is probably a French equivalent ;-)

Hoping it helps.

You either take a notepad with the file list and then save it in csv (line by line a file)

or with excel one line per file (see example attached)  and save in CSV separator;

Then you can drag it into the white area of the utility to import the list of csv files to be processed (or else right click insert csv file)

And then if you want to check your file list, just break it down using the icon on the left of the window. (Decomposition is not mandatory at all)


If you need additional information, let me know.


And then you do as usual depending on the utility used.



To make the csv several solutions in general I use smartbom to retrieve the nomenclature of an open assembly (xlsx format) then I export according to my properties the list of parts cut in csv.
